by Ross Mill Farm | Aug 19, 2019 | General
Like any animal, pigs are more at risk of some issues than others. If you have one in your home, it’s important to recognize the most common pig diseases, and know when and how to get treatment. As always, an article on the internet is not a reasonable...
by Ross Mill Farm | Jul 29, 2019 | General
Written by Kay Cranisky Puppies, kittens, piglets… there’s no denying those baby animals are cute. When buying or adopting, people usually think “baby.” Nowhere is this truer than in the world of pet pigs where smallness is prized and piglets...
by Ross Mill Farm | Jul 22, 2019 | General
Owning a pet of any kind is a major responsibility. As their caretaker, you take on the responsibility of keeping the animal in the best physical and mental health possible. That means money, time, and often, an emotional commitment. It also means researching to find...
by Ross Mill Farm | Jul 8, 2019 | General
Ross Mill Farm works with pet pigs on a daily basis. We are often surprised by the number of people who come to us with a pig that has never seen a vet. This is not acceptable – pet pigs need vet care just as much as dogs and cats do. First and foremost, all pigs need...
by Ross Mill Farm | Jun 24, 2019 | Education, General
In September of 2017, Hurricane Maria slammed full-force into Puerto Rico. The Category 5 storm wrecked devastation all over the island, destroying homes and businesses, wiping out the power grid, and killing thousands of people. With winds reaching as much as 175...