Ross Mill Farm, Inc. is a multi-functional working farm dedicated to the well-being of the Pet Pig as a household companion. The Farm provides services, products, information, education, and consultations.
Ross Mill Farm, Inc is also the primary Foster Care facility for Pig Placement Network (PPN) a non-profit organization that cares for potbellied pigs who are waiting to be adopted. The staff at Ross Mill Farm work closely with PPN to care for and find homes for the PPN foster pigs.

Susan Magidson, Owner Operator
You can read more about Susan on her bio page here.

Michelle Rich-Bonn. Director of Development and Operations
Michelle brings extensive knowledge and experience in non-profit development
and fundraising, as well as corporate development. Michelle and Susan have
known each other since 1995 when she adopted her first pig, Wilbur and are so
excited to team up to achieve the strategic plan.
Michelle also serves on the Executive Board of Directors of the Greater Bucks Mont Chamber of Commerce. A graduate of Archbishop Wood and Temple University, Michelle has also served as a community and school volunteer and sports coach.
Michelle lives at home in Warminster with her husband, Ed and has four children,
Vanessa, Patrick, Jason and Alex.

Josep Cuce, Lodge Caretaker
Josep recently graduated from the University of Arts in Philadelphia with a Bachelor’s Degree in Illustration. The farm is so lucky to have his artistic talent on the team! His creative skills are being utilized for new branding designs for Pig Placement Network. He also brings to us years of experience in the care, cleanup, handling and treatment of various animals and wildlife. Josep works inside the Lodge taking care of the daily feeding and cleaning of approximately 70 pigs. On his free time, Josep enjoys bird watching.

Kristen Mitchell, Pig Placement Network Surrender Coordinator
Kristen adores animals of all shapes & sizes and had previously volunteered for five years at Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter while getting her Environmental Science degree in California. After moving back to Pennsylvania and working in office environments for 5 years, she missed working with animals and joined PPN in November 2019 as the Surrender Coordinator.
Some of her greatest passions are animals and plants, and she gets to embrace both at Ross Mill Farm.
She currently has a dog, a cat, and a rabbit, and she also enjoys Halloween, crafting, road trips, and gardening.

Elaine Fernandez, Bookkeeper
Elaine has been a bookkeeper for over 20 years, with three of those years keeping Ross Mill Farm up and running. She is everybody’s favorite because she gives us our paychecks!
When not working, Elaine enjoys gardening, taking piano lessons, and playing handbells in her church. Like Jen, she is an ardent bird-watcher, and is always on the lookout for that special bird visiting her birdfeeders. At one point, she was visited by a Blue Bunting (if you know birds, you know that is a pretty big deal!).
She has been married to her husband Lansing for 45 years. And if you happen to see Elaine walking around town but think you’re seeing double, that just means she’s hanging out with her twin sister.

Erica Hochman, Social Media Manager
Erica is absolutely thrilled to be part of the Ross Mill Farm family as the Social Media Manager where her passions for digital storytelling and animals perfectly intersect! She brings over 10 years of social media management, content creation, and digital marketing strategy experience to the team.
When Erica isn’t capturing and editing content to creatively tell compelling company stories for local businesses, she loves spending time with her husband, two cats, and six chickens, and enjoys making music, being in nature, playing tennis, and antiquing.

Dan Kelly, Barn and Outdoor Caretaker
Dan is one of our caretakers for our outdoor pigs. He really enjoys being out in the sun and always makes sure to stop and pet every pig in every pen he cleans and feeds. Outside of work, Dan spends his time making art on photoshop, tinkering with computers, training calisthenics and has competing in a strongman competition. He is currently studying business administration in college and hopes to eventually buy a home with land so he can have animals of his own to take care of.

Angel Hall, Lodge Caretaker
Angel started working at the farm after receiving her bachelor’s degree from Delaware Valley University in 2017. After working full-time for two years she changed her career path to preclinical research and now works in a laboratory setting but still comes on days off to spend time with her beloved piggies. She also performs hoof trims and assists the veterinarians at the farm. Angel hopes to one day own her own rescue.

Rebecca De La Cruz, Lodge Caretaker
Rebecca is a lifelong animal lover, a mom of two kids and a proud member of the team at Ross Mill Farm. Rebecca divides her time between working in healthcare and working with our pigs as a groomer and caretaker. As a child, Rebecca spent every summer in rural Puerto Rico, where she rode her uncle’s horses, played among her grandmother’s chickens and helped them feed and care for their pigs and piglets – – her favorite! She is a loving pig parent to Fiona and Shrek who live at Ross Mill Farm where she spends a lot of time with them. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, meditating and reading a good book outdoors on sunny afternoons. Rebecca adores her time at Ross Mill Farm and is grateful to experience the same job working with the pigs that she experienced as a child during her summers in Puerto Rico.

JP, Farm Cat/Overseer
In his earlier years, after traveling the world by hopping cargo ships, JP spent his time living as an honorary member of Alpha Kappa Delta Phi at a school in South Carolina, where he was well known for being the only male ever to be initiated into a sorority. From there, he had a very brief stint in a family home where, unfortunately, there was not enough benadryl in the world for the residents of this household to take in order for JP to remain welcome. At that time, he heard that Ross Mill Farm was hiring and so, like the rolling stone that he is, he packed his bags and settled into life at the farm. Here he lovingly looks after the pigs and entertains them with the tales of his adventures as a sojourner and sorority sister.
Ross Mill Farm, Inc.
2464 Walton Road,
Jamison, PA 18929
(UPS shipments & GPS directions)
PO Box 498,
PA 18956
(US Mail)

The Society for Advancement of Pet Pigs
aka Pig Placement Network
501 c3 Non-Profit Organization
PO Box 498
Rushland, PA 18956