Finding a Veterinarian for Your Pig

Locating a vet: These websites can help you identify veterinarians in your area that reportedly see pet pigs. Be sure to call and confirm that this is the case. Be aware that these are only resources to help identify a willing veterinarian and do not report the...

Piglet Behavior and Care

Applicants to Pig Placement Network are often interested in adopting a young piglet so that their new family member will grow up in their household, with the idea that this will make him better adjusted and will help with bonding. This approach can work well, but...

Rabies in Potbellied Pigs

Rabies in Potbellied Pigs by Dr Arlen M. Wilbers, DVM Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, including pigs.  Once symptoms appear, rabies is nearly always fatal in animals and people.  In the USA, animals that most...

Time to Get Ready For Winter

If you have outdoor pigs, now is the time to get their home ready for the upcoming Winter.  Best to get things ready and in good shape now before it gets very cold.  You don’t want to be fixing things outside when the temps drops and your pig certainly...

Drink Up!

  Most everyone knows that hydration is important, and not just during the summer. It is vital that people stay well-hydrated throughout the year… and this applies to potbellied pigs, too. As we approach the cooler weather of Fall and Winter, we want to...